Smiley - I wish - versuri si videoclip

Smiley - I wish - versuri

I'm looking at you
You are looking at me
We bouth can feel the love
Between us is so real

I feel your sweet embrance
Right time right place
No woman, no woman
Is touchd me this way before

Let's keep this moment alive
I wouldn't change a thing
I wouldn't even try
And now I'm a better man
If given me the chance
To have your last dance

Smiley I wish

And I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish

I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish

The smell of your hair
The touch of your lips
I feel so blessed to have you
Baby by my side

Whenever you speak
Mmmm my knees get so weak
It's realy nothing there
For me no more

Let's keep this moment alive
I wouldn't change anything
I wouldn't even try
And now I'm a better man
If given me the chance
To have your last dance Oooooo
And I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish

I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish Ooooooo
When I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish

I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Another night with you I wish

So little time
So much to do
World good nïght
And low to you

And low to youuu



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