Alan Walker - Faded - versuri in engleza si romana

Alan Walker - Faded - versuri in engleza


You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Where are you now
Where are you now
Where are you now
Was it all in my fantasy
Where are you now
Were you only imaginary
Where are you now

Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me

alan walker faded versuri

I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded

These shallow waters, never met
What I needed
I'm letting go
A deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing

Where are you now
Where are you now
Under the bright
But faded lights
You set my heart on fire
Where are you now
Where are you now
Where are you now

Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now
Another dream
The monsters running wild inside of me

I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost
I'm faded

Videoclipul original il gasiti la sfarsitul articolului, mai jos este numarul unui tanar de la Mongolii au talent care a folosit piesa lui Alan Walker. Un numar senzational.


Alan Walker - Faded - versuri in limba romana

Ai fost umbra din lumina mea
Ne-ai simtit?
O alta stea, te estompezi
speriat ca scopul nostru este in afara campului vizual
Vreau sa ne vad, in viata
Unde esti acum?
Unde esti acum?
Unde esti acum?
A fost totul in fantezia mea?
Unde esti acum
Ai fost doar imaginar?
Unde esti acum?
sunt ingropat sub mare, sub mare
Unde esti acum?
Un alt vis
Monstrul alearga salbatic in mine
sunt estompat, sunt estompat
Atat de pierdut, sunt estompat, sunt etompat
Atat de pierdut, sunt estompat
Aceste ape de mica adancime niciodata n-au intalnit ce am avut nevoie
Renunt, o scufundare mai profunda
Linistea vesnica a marii
Respir, in viata

Unde esti acum?
Unde esti acum?
Unde esti acum?
A fost totul in fantezia mea?
Unde esti acum
Ai fost doar imaginar?
Unde esti acum?
sunt ingropat sub mare, sub mare
Unde esti acum?
Un alt vis
Monstrul alearga salbatic in mine
sunt estompat, sunt estompat
Atat de pierdut, sunt estompat, sunt etompat
Atat de pierdut, sunt estompat



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