Silent Strike feat EM - Invaders - versuri si videoclip
Dupa ce au dat lovitura cu serialul Umbre iata ca cei de la HBO vin pe piata cu un nou serial, unul despre lumea hackerilor din Romania. Ajuns la episodul 3 serialul Hackerville a prins deja la publicul tanar si se anunta a fi un nou succes al celor de la HBO. Coloana sonora este semnata de cei de la Silent Strike, una dintre piese fiind Invanders
Pages from the memory, ups and downs I found
Trivial context, well something went wrong
Missleading shivers are catching up with me,
I am like changing weather, too undecided still
'Talking about random things I see,
Nothing too peculiar, just blowing leaves,
Aiming for the high notes, insanity
A lack of profoundness is now helping me and now
Endless joy on a painted back street,
Watercolor girl on a one way road street,
I don't need closure when the future is spinning,
Nocturnal invaders, creating not stealing
Nights are begging you to lay down,
Nights are begging you to lay down,
When nights are begging you to lay down,
I got sweat on the spine.
Seasons have passed, they all left me colder
Blithesome face gone dark circles like storms and
While chasing the unkown they started growing
Experience and goals, the work, the flow ,when
'Talking about random things I see,
Nothing too peculiar, just blowing leaves,
Aiming for the high notes, insanity
A lack of profoundness is now helping me and now
Endless joy on a painted back street,
Watercolor girl on a one way road street,
I don't need closure when the future is spinning,
Nocturnal invaders, creating not stealing
Nights are begging you to lay down,
Nights are begging you to lay down,
When nights are begging you to lay down,
I got sweat on the spine.
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