

Savage - Swing versuri

Savage - Swing versuri

TikTok este una dintre rețelele sociale care are un succes enorm in ultima perioadă și care a scos de la naftalină o mulțime de melodii, unele dintre ele fiind aproape necunoscute multora altele uitate de vreme. Redescoperirea acestora se datorează provocărilor lansate de utilizatorii rețelei. Una dintre melodiile care sunt in vogă in ultima perioadă este Swing care este cântată de Savage, o melodie care este necunoscută pentru mulți dintre noi. Iată in continuare versurile piesei.


Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing

Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing
Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing

Uh oh, lean back, girl you got some mean racks
You got a mean ass and I really mean that
But can't you see that I need a girl that can move
Make her hips swing and look just like you

But come to think about it, I think this club is crowded
It's kinda hard to do your thing when everyone's surrounding
So let me form a circle, everybody step back
I heard somebody yell, "Savage, where the at?"

Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing

Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing
Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing

Uh oh, let it pop, ladies drop it like it's hot
Hell yeah, that's the spot, now bring it back to the top
Stop! Whoa, now back it up, now back it up
Let it rise then watch it dump, shaking your junk in the trunk

And I like the way you move it smoothly
Now why don't you move that booty to me?
I'm trying to come up with some thoughts of attack
Until I heard somebody yelling out, "Savage, where the at?"

cantaretul Savage Swing versuri

Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing

Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing
Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing

Knees bent, ass out, come on push your ass out
(Let me see your hips swing)
Bring it up then back down, bring it up then back down
(Let me see your hips swing)
All my ladies on the floor, all my ladies on the floor
(Let me see your hips swing)
Pick it up then dip it low, pick it up then dip it low
(Let me see your hips swing)

Knees bent, ass out, come on push your ass out
(Let me see your hips swing)
Bring it up then back down, bring it up then back down
(Let me see your hips swing)
All my ladies on the floor, all my ladies on the floor
(Let me see your hips swing)
Pick it up then dip it low, pick it up then dip it low
(Let me see your hips swing)

Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, whoa, back it up, now let me see your hips swing

Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing
Now drop it low and let me see your hips swing
Down to the floor now let me see your hips swing

O puteti urmari pe youtube, insa din pacate piesa nu are un videoclip


Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande - Stuck with U - versuri în română și engleză

Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande - Stuck with U - versuri în română și engleză


Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande - Stuck with U - versuri română

Nu sunt unul care să rămână
O greva și ești afară, iubito
Nu-mi pasă dacă par nebun
Dar nu mă lăsați niciodată, nu, nu
De aceea, când soarele va răsări, eu rămân
Tot așezat în patul tău, spunând
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby

Oh o o o
Am tot timpul in mâinile mele
La fel de bine ar putea să ne anuleze planurile, da
Aș putea rămâne aici toată viața
Deci, încuie ușa și aruncă cheia
Nu mai pot lupta cu asta, doar tu și cu mine
Și nu pot face nimic
Sunt blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine
Așa că, mergeți mai departe și conduceți-mă nebun
Păi, aleargă-ți gura, tot nu m-aș schimba
Fiind blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine
Sunt blocat cu tine, lipit de tine, lipit de tine, iubito

Nicăieri nu trebuie să fim, nu, nu, nu
Am să te cunosc mai bine
un fel de speranță suntem aici pentru totdeauna
Nu e nimeni pe aceste străzi
Dacă mi-ai spune că sfârșitul lumii
nu este alt mod în care să-l pot cheltui

Oh o o o
Am tot timpul în mâinile mele
La fel de bine, ne putem anula planurile
Aș putea rămâne aici pentru totdeauna

Deci, încuie ușa și aruncă cheia
Nu mai pot lupta cu asta, doar tu și cu mine
Și nu pot face nimic
Sunt blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine
Așa că, mergeți mai departe și conduceți-mă nebun
Păi, aleargă-ți gura, tot nu m-aș schimba
Fiind blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine
Sunt blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine

Iubito, vino tot timpul
Continuă, fă-mă să-mi pierd mințile
Avem tot ce avem nevoie aici diseară

Voi încuia ușa și voi scoate cheia
Nu mai pot lupta cu asta, doar tu și cu mine
Și nu am nimic, nu aș prefera să fac nimic
Sunt blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine
Așa că, mergeți mai departe și conduceți-mă nebun
Păi, aleargă-ți gura, tot nu mă schimb
Toate acestea te iubesc, te urăsc, te doresc
Sunt blocat cu tine, blocat cu tine, blocat cu

Tu, oh, oh

Blocat cu tine, lipit de tine

Ariana Grande Justin Bieber versuri Stuck with U

Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande - Stuck with U - versuri engleză


I’m not one to stick around
One strike and you’re out, baby
Don’t care if I sound crazy
But you never let me down, no, no
That’s why when the sun’s up, I’m stayin’
Still layin’ in your bed, sayin’

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Got all this time on my hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime
So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can’t fight this no more, it’s just you and me
And there’s nothin’ I, nothin’ I, I can do
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn’t change
Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

There’s nowhere we need to be, no, no, no
I’ma get to know you better
Kinda hope we’re here forever
There’s nobody on these streets
If you told me that the world’s endin’
Ain’t no other way that I can spend it

Oh, oh, oh, oh (Ooh)
Got all this time in my hands
Might as well cancel our plans (Yeah, yeah)
I could stay here forever

So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can’t fight this no more, It’s just you and me
And there’s nothin’ I, nothin’ I, I can do
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn’t change
Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

Baby, come take all my time
Go on, make me lose my mind
We got all that we need here tonight

I lock the door (Lock the door) and throw out the key
Can’t fight this no more (Can’t fight this no more), it’s just you and me
And there’s nothin’ I, nothin’ I’d rather do
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
So, go ahead and drive me insane

Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn’t change
All this lovin’ you, hatin’ you, wantin’ you
I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with

You, oh, oh

Stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you




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